
Venomous Snakes

  • Elapidae (Elapid front fanged snakes)

Comprehensive Survey of Elapid Species: Occurrence and Records in Samsonvale

The subsequent compilation of elapids, denoting venomous land snakes native to South East Queensland. A considerable number of these species have been consistently documented within Samsonvale. The records encompass tangible evidence from museum collections, as well as well-regarded expert observations and identifications in the field of snake taxonomy. The ensuing list provides details on each species, along with their respective findings and records.

Non-venomous Snakes

  • Boidae (Pythons)
  • Colubridae (solid toothed and rear fanged snakes)
  • Typhlodidae (Blind snakes)

Comprehensive Survey of non-venomous Species that cover Boidae, Colubridae and Typhlodidae: Occurrence and Records in Samsonvale

The following compilation comprises non-venomous snake species that have been reliably documented within Samsonvale. These records have been substantiated through tangible evidence from museum collections and well-regarded expert observations and identifications in the field of snake taxonomy. The list includes representatives from various snake families. Each species entry presents comprehensive information on its presence and records.